Academic talks
23rd April 2022: The Role of Myths, Genealogies, and Cults of Pan in Forming the Arcadian Identity, The Nordic TAG (Theoretical Archaeological Group) Conference (Panel on: (Panel on: Myths as Theoretical Models for Religious Identity in Ancient Greece), The University of Oslo.
9th April 2022: Ethnicity and Federalism in Ancient Greece: Introducing the Concept of Ethnofederalism, The Classical Association Conference (Panel on: Ancient Regionalism within a larger context: Regions within leagues, kingdoms and empires), Swansea University/Classical Association.
19th November 2021: River Gods in Greek Antiquity: The Spread of Asopid Myths in Ancient Greece, Rooted Cities, Wandering Gods, University of Groningen.
4th November 2021: International, Local, and Regional Identities: Boeotia, Corinth, and Genealogies of Asopus. International Perspectives on the First Millennium BCE.
27th April 2021: River Gods and their Symbolic Meaning for Identities in Central Greece', Classical Association of Scotland: Aberdeen and North Seminar. (Invited talk).
19th March 2021: Asopus and Trophonius: Changing Genealogies, Ethnic Groups, and Gods in Boeotia, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History (AMPAH), University of Exeter.
22nd January 2021: Building Phocian Group Identity: Genealogies, Ambitions, and Sacred Wars in the first half of the Fifth Century BCE, Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminar (PGWiP), Institute of Classical Studies.
10th December 2020; Regionalism, Localism, and Asopids in Central Greece, Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptology Work in Progress Series, University of Liverpool.
17th September 2020: Sanctuaries, Regional Ethnicities, and Borders in Ancient Boeotia, Swansea University College of Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Conference, Swansea University.
29th June 2020: Asopus, Trophonius, and Pan: Local Deities, Genealogies, and Identities, Myths and Politics from Antiquity to Present Times, Swansea University.
3rd June 2020: 'Thessaly and Phocis; What Xerxes Invasion can Tell us about the Phocian Ethnos', Herodotus Helpline, The Open University/University of St. Andrews.
27th May 2020: Ambitions and Sacred Wars; The Phocian Ethnos in the Early Fifth Century, Classical Mondays on the Sun, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
20th May 2020: Xenophon, Callisthenes, and Diodorus: The Importance of the Oracular Prophesies and Omens for the Battle of Leuctra, Stranger Things; Fantasy in Antiquity in Historiography and Reception, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
21st Feb 2020: Cults of Hera in Thespiae and Plataea - Anti-Theban cults in fourth century Boeotia Identity?, Exeter Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminars, University of Exeter.
21st Feb 2020: Cults of Hera in Thespiae and Plataea - Anti-Theban cults in fourth century Boeotia Identity?, Exeter Postgraduate Work in Progress Seminars, University of Exeter.
16th Nov 2019: Thessaly and the Narrative of Identities in Central Greece, Universities of Wales, Institute of Classics and Ancient History Postgraduate Conference (UWICAH), Swansea University.
5th Oct 2019: Thessaly and the Effects on Identities in Central Greece, Swansea University, Department of Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology Research Seminars.
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